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In broad terms, its functions are as follows:

  • We admit teachers to the profession through registration.
  • We set standards for teacher education at all stages of the teaching career.
  • We establish standards of professional competence and conduct.
  • We investigate complaints made against registered teachers.

In the delivery of its functions, the Council is committed to providing customer service of the highest standards to the public and stakeholders, with a focus on remaining professional, open and transparent. This Charter sets out the service experience that the Teaching Council aims to provide to the public and stakeholders through the provision of information on:

  • Our standards of service
  • How to provide feedback on the service provided by the Council
  • How to make a complaint relating to the service provided by the Council
  • How to make a complaint to the Office of the Ombudsman relating to the service provided by the Council

The Customer Service Commitment has been developed to reflect the Council’s commitment to providing high standards of service in accordance with Quality Customer Service initiatives approved by Government.

Mutual Respect Statement

Council staff are committed to engaging professionally and respectfully with all stakeholders. Whether you write, telephone, email us or call to the Council Offices in person, we will deal with your enquiry efficiently and promptly and treat you with courtesy and respect. In return it is expected that Council staff will be treated in a respectful and courteous manner. Abusive or offensive language and or behaviour is not acceptable, and contact will be terminated if a staff member is subject to such behaviour.

Contacting the Teaching Council

You can contact the Teaching Council using the following methods:


You may wish to email your query to If applicable, please provide your application reference number or your registration number and sector —Primary, Post Primary or Further Education.


Our phone number is +353 (1) 651 7900.

The current hours for incoming telephone calls are:

Monday – Friday, excluding holidays: 12.00 pm – 5.00 pm 

The phone lines close at 4 pm on the last working day before a public holiday. 

Please note that we can only discuss registration information with the applicant or registered teacher.


We facilitate appointments. Prior to an appointment being arranged by the Teaching Council, we will take all necessary steps and explore all avenues to try and resolve your issue, in the interests of saving your time. 

To request an appointment:

The Teaching Council’s Commitment to You

Written Communication including Emails

If you contact us by letter or e-mail, we will endeavour to:

  • Send you a written response acknowledging receipt of your query within three working days.
  • Provide you with a response in writing and/or by telephone within twenty working days (In some cases, this will be an interim response, but we will advise you when a final response will issue).
  • Ensure that all written communications contain a staff contact name, telephone number and email address.

Telephone Communication

If you contact us by telephone, we will endeavour to:

  • Answer your call promptly during office hours listed, 12pm – 5pm.
  • Give you our name and area of work when we answer
  • Respond to voice messages as soon as possible
  • Provide you with the information you require (please note that for data protection reasons, we are required to confirm the identity of registered teachers and applicants for registration (including vetting) by seeking three pieces of personal information before discussing registration /application details)
  • Telephone you back if we are unable to deal with your query immediately
  • Make it easy to contact us on +353 (1) 6517900

Call recording

Please note that a call recording system is in place and calls may be recorded for training and verification purposes.

Visiting the Teaching Council Office (Appointment Service)

In most cases, the general public, teachers, applicants, etc. will be able to conduct their business with us via email, telephone, letter or via our website,

If however, you wish to visit our office, please note that an appointment service is in place.

Prior to an appointment being arranged by the Teaching Council, we will explore all necessary steps and explore all avenues to try and resolve your issue, in the interests of saving your time.

The appointment service will ensure that:

  • A member of staff from the relevant section will be available to meet with you.
  • Suitable facilities for meetings will be provided.
  • The staff member concerned will have an understanding of your query and be in a position to deal with it promptly.
  • You will be met punctually and avoid long waiting periods.
  • The Teaching Council will ensure that our offices are accessible for people with disabilities.

To request an appointment:

Communication with Suppliers

We will operate clear, impartial and transparent tendering and purchasing procedures in accordance with Public Procurement Guidelines. We will ensure that payments to suppliers are made in accordance with Prompt Payment legislation and regulations.

Access to Records

When you avail of the statutory mechanisms supplied by the Freedom of Information Act 2014, the Access to Information on the Environment Regulations and the Data Protection legislation to seek access to records held by the Council, every effort will be made to make these available to you in the shortest possible timeframe.

Service through Irish

The Council makes specific provision for delivery of its services in the Irish language. In doing so, it is guided by the provisions of the Official Languages Act, 2003. The Council will endeavour to ensure that communication received in the Irish language (written and verbal), is responded to in the Irish language. A number of Council staff are proficient in Irish and will, where possible, address queries in Irish.

Social Media Communication

The Teaching Council uses social media platforms, including LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), Facebook & Instagram, to update stakeholders on Council activities. Please note that these media platforms are a broadcast only service.


We are committed to providing an inclusive and accessible service for all individuals. We make every effort to ensure that our building is welcoming, functional and accommodating to people of all abilities.  

If you are visiting our building and have a specific accessibility requirement that you would like to bring to our attention, please contact our Access Officer Ruth Flynn

We value your feedback and are committed to making continuous improvements. If you encounter any accessibility barriers within our building or have suggestions for enhancements, please contact our Access Officer. 

Feedback and Complaints

In order that we may learn from your experience of the service we provide and improve our systems as appropriate, we would be happy to receive your feedback or complaint in writing to:

Customer Relations Officer
The Teaching Council
Block A, Maynooth Business Campus,
Co. Kildare,
W23 Y7X0.
Phone: +353 (0)1 651 7900

  • Once a complaint is received, a member of our Customer Service Team will send you an acknowledgement within three working days. A member of the Customer Service Team may contact you to seek additional, relevant information. 
  • Having investigated the complaint, we will send you a detailed response within twenty working days. 

We will:

  • Deal with all complaints in an effective, fair and confidential manner.
  • Keep you updated as to the progress of your enquiry if the issue has not been resolved within the timelines set out above.

Appeals Procedure

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation of your complaint, you may appeal the decision to:

Deputy Director
The Teaching Council
Block A, Maynooth Business Campus
Co. Kildare
W23 Y7X0
Email: (FAO Deputy Director)
Phone: +353 (0)1 651 7900

Further Appeals Procedure

If you believe that you have been unfairly treated or are not satisfied with our decision on your complaint, it is open to you to contact the Office of the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman’s staff examine complaints about the administrative actions of Government Departments and Offices.

The best way to contact the Ombudsman is by:

  • Clicking on the ‘Make A Complaint’ link at or
  • Writing to: Office of the Ombudsman, 6 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, D02 W773 or
  • Calling the Ombudsman on 01 639 5600 if you have any queries or if you need help making your complaint.