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The Scoping Inquiry into Historical Sexual Abuse has examined what happened to children and young people in day and boarding schools run by religious orders between 1927 and 2013. The findings of the Report of the Scoping Inquiry are extensive and deeply distressing. The Report sets out appalling experiences of sexual abuse in schools, and allegations concerning teachers and non-teaching staff.

Teaching is a profession built on professional standards underpinned by the values of respect, care, integrity and trust. As the regulator of the teaching profession, we welcome the announcement by Minister for Education, Norma Foley regarding the establishment of a Commission of Investigation. The historic sexual abuse described in the Report and any other crimes reported may come under investigation by the Commission of Investigation, An Garda Síochána, and other bodies defined by the State.

The Teaching Council’s role is to promote and regulate the teaching profession in the public interest. Established by law in 2006, we have responsibility for the statutory registration of teachers.  All 123,425 teachers on our register are qualified and vetted.

Members of the public can search the Teaching Council register to check if a particular teacher is currently registered.

We regulate the competence and conduct of teachers and can consider complaints against currently registered teachers under our Fitness to Teach process which commenced on 25 July 2016. We consider complaints relating to individual teachers, as opposed to schools.

We can also consider complaints regarding incidents involving registered teachers that occurred prior to 25 July 2016, if

  • the teacher is currently registered, and
  • the conduct would have constituted a criminal offence at the time that it occurred, and would reasonably give rise to a concern that the registered teacher may harm a child or vulnerable person.

If an allegation is proven, sanctions can include a suspension from the register for a period of time or a teacher being removed from the register.

We treat all matters of complaint confidentially, respectfully and with the utmost sensitivity.

Further details on our Fitness to Teach process can be found on our website, including how to submit a complaint.

Support for those who have experienced sexual abuse is available from a number of agencies listed on the Scoping Inquiry’s website.