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Who are these regulations for?

The regulations apply to applicants applying for registration or renewal of registration with the Teaching Council, and to all registered teachers.


What are the proposed regulations?

The proposed regulations replace existing Teaching Council registration regulations (being S.I. No. 444 of 2016 (as amended)). We are only proposing to make some small changes. The majority of the requirements under the existing registration regulations will remain the same.

Proposed Registration Regulations


Part 1 – Preliminary and General

This sets out when the proposed registration regulations will start to apply. It defines all the terms used in the regulations.


Part 2  – The Register

The Teaching Council is obliged to maintain a register of teachers. Regulation 5 sets out the information that will be entered in the Register. When a teacher is registered, a certificate of registration is issued. The information contained on the certificate is set out at Regulation 6. Certain people can access information on the Register. This includes members of the public and paymasters. The information on the Register that certain individuals can access are set out in Regulations 7, 8 and 9.


Part 3  – Registration

This section sets out the Teaching Council’s registration process and registration requirements. Regulations 10 and 11 set out the information and documentation an applicant must submit as part of their application for registration. Regulation 12 relates to registration with conditions. Regulation 13 relates to an internal review of a decision of the Teaching Council to refuse registration.


Part 4  – Renewal of Registration

This section sets out the renewal of registration process. Regulations 14 and 15 set out the information and documentation a registered teacher must submit as part of their application for renewal of their registration. Regulation 16 relates to renewal of registration with conditions.


Part 5  – Revocation and Transitional Provisions

This section sets out the existing Regulations that are being revoked (or cancelled) and the transitional provisions, which address the impact the registration regulations have on existing applications.



The Schedule sets out the education, training and qualifications criteria for admission to the Register. There are five routes of registration an applicant can apply for, as follows:

  1. Route 1: Primary
  2. Route 2: Post Primary
  3. Route 3: Further Education
  4. Route 4: Other
  5. Route 5: Student Teacher

Each route has different requirements that an applicant must satisfy so that they are eligible for registration. These requirements are set out in the sub-paragraphs of each route.