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As a registered teacher, you are legally required to complete re-vetting every three years. 

If your National Vetting Bureau (NVB) disclosure (result) is three-years old, you will receive an email from the Teaching Council six months in advance of your next renewal date with a link to complete re-vetting.

You must complete the re-vetting process when requested to be able to renew your registration. 

If you do not want to complete revetting and renew your registration you can voluntarily remove yourself by logging in to  your My Registration account. Next you need to do the following: 

  • Click on the My Registration tile. 
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Voluntary Removal Request button  

There are two ways to apply.

1. Click on the My Registration link in the ‘Re-vetting Notice’ email you received.


2. Log in to your My Registration account on the Teaching Council website and click into the Vetting icon on screen. 

To access your My Registration account, you need your username and password. 

  • Your username is your email address. 

We recommend that you use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

Stage 1 is where you log into your My Registration account and submit your proof of identity documents. Please read our proof of ID and address policy. 

The application process is explained below.  

To apply for re-vetting, you must: 

1. Use the ‘My Registration’ link in the ‘Re-vetting Notice’ email. 


2. Log in to your My Registration account on the Teaching Council website. Please have your username and password ready. 

  • Your username is your email address. 
  • If you cannot remember your password, click HERE for further information on how to reset your password.

3. When you have successfully logged into your My Registration account: 

  • Click the VETTING icon on screen. 
  • Go to ‘Re-vetting for Teachers’ section 
  • Click on the Start Re-vetting button 

4. Review your personal details section. Your details must be correct on the Register of Teachers so that all communications regarding your registration can be sent to you. 

5. Supply two supporting documents for re-vetting: 

  • Proof of identification (Group A) 
  • Proof of address dated within the last six months (Group B) 

6. Read the Declaration section and tick the box confirming that you have read and agree to this declaration. 

  • When you submit your completed vetting application to the Teaching Council, you will receive a screen prompt as follows:
    • “Thank you for submitting your re-vetting invitation. You will receive an email inviting you to start Stage 2 of the online process.
  • Stage 2 includes submitting all your addresses since birth. If you have lived, taught, studied or have been employed abroad, even for a period of less than 12 months, you must list these addresses as part of the Stage 2 vetting application process.
  • When Stage 2 is completed and reviewed by the Teaching Council, you can renew your registration”.

Yes, you can track and check the status of your Stage 1 vetting application on your My Registration account.

  • Log in to your My Registration account.
  • Click into the VETTING icon on screen.
  • Refer to the ‘Current Vetting Application’ section.
  • Here you can check the status of Stage 1 of your re-vetting application.

How do I upload the requested documents to the Teaching Council?

  • Please return your corrected documents to the Teaching Council by email to:
  • Include your registration number and full name and address when emailing the document(s).
  • Do not return your corrected documents via your My Registration.

If you cannot access your online account, please email the Teaching Council at

For stage 2: 

  • You will receive an email from the National Vetting Bureau (NVB) with a link to the online NVB E-vetting application form. 
  • You will have 30 days to complete and submit the online vetting application to the National Vetting Bureau. 
  • You must include all your addresses from birth to the present day including all addresses where you have resided outside of the Republic of Ireland. If you have lived, taught, studied or have been employed outside of the Republic of Ireland, even for a period of less than 12 months, you must list these addresses as part of the Stage 2 vetting application process. 
  • You will also be required to enter full postcodes (6 characters) for each Northern Ireland address where you lived (if applicable). 

When the National Vetting Bureau have processed your vetting application, you will: 

  • Receive an email from the National Vetting Bureau stating that your vetting disclosure has been issued to the Teaching Council. 
  • Receive an email from the Teaching Council containing a link to your vetting disclosure once it has been processed. 

Yes, you can track your stage 2 vetting application with the National Vetting Bureau.

In the email you receive from the National Vetting Bureau (NVB) you will receive a tracking number.  Use the tracking number to track the progress of your vetting application (in real time).