
Research overview in line with Teaching Council Strategy 2022-2027

Strategic Area 1: Teacher Registration and Supply

Ensure a sufficient supply of registered and vetted teachers to meet the identified needs of the school system, including diversity, in collaboration with the Department of Education, Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science and all stakeholders.

Research Approach

We will leverage the data we hold via the register of teachers to inform and influence policy on teacher workforce planning and diversity. In doing so, we will work collaboratively with the Department of Education to optimise impact. A strong emphasis on quantitative and anonymised data will underpin our work in this area.

We will use research to inform the review of our policies and the continuous improvement of our processes.

Our longitudinal research into the first decade of teachers’ professional lives will be a source of evidence to inform policy and practice in relation to a range of areas.

We will seek and avail of appropriate opportunities to share our research findings widely.

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  • GA Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam GA interdum libero. Maecenas euismod, massa maximus faucibus bibendum, mi urna pellentesque velit, id dictum erat odio vel enim. Quisque venenatis augue et dignissim dictum. Donec molestie efficitur consectetur. Proin lobortis magna vel tincidunt elementum. Integer arcu erat, cursus eget tempus id, imperdiet nec lorem. Sed purus diam, blandit eu tincidunt in, vestibulum lacinia lorem. Sed id mi in eros interdum fringilla. Sed quis ipsum et orci suscipit egestas quis eu neque.  laoreet. Aenean mollis malesuada tempus. Suspendisse potenti.

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Strategic Objectives Research actions planned, in support of the strategic objectives
Ensure that all programmes of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) which are reviewed and accredited by the Teaching Council meet the standards set out in Céim and are aligned with national policy priorities.
Conduct research to inform a review and process evaluation of the first cycle of Céim programme accreditations.
Review Droichead in light of the implementation of the growth phase and update policy as appropriate. Conduct mixed methods research to inform the review of Droichead.
Implement the new registration database NOVUS and position the Teaching Council as a leading innovator in the field of professional regulation, including digitisation. Gather and analyse data to support an evidence-informed review of the effectiveness and efficiency of our existing registration database.
Commission an external consultant to develop a technical specification for a software solution to host vetting disclosures. A key component of this work will be to conduct exploratory research to identify suitable options or companies to work with.
Provide accurate data to support the ongoing refinement of teacher supply modelling through leveraging NOVUS, the new registration database, in collaboration with the Department of Education and other stakeholders. Develop a robust data strategy.
Conduct an analysis of anonymised data from the register and produce and share regular insights reports highlighting significant trends over time.
Continue to streamline Council registration processes and procedures with a view to increasing efficiencies with a particular focus on registration subject to conditions and assessment of overseas teaching qualifications. Conduct desk-based research to support enhanced recognition and registration processes for teachers who qualify outside of ROI.
Collaborate with relevant stakeholders in ensuring that the recruitment and substitution needs of schools are met with registered teachers on a systemic basis. Conduct an analysis of anonymised data from the register and produce and share regular insights reports highlighting significant trends over time.
  • GA ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ac ipsum justo. Curabitur sed urna sit amet nisl eleifend euismod. Proin rutrum tincidunt aliquet. Cras id neque laoreet, congue enim in, feugiat ligula. Vivamus ac nulla ut magna semper maximus. Suspendisse neque nibh, ornare id suscipit et, gravida eget eros. Suspendisse cursus mollis elementum.

Date Event Venue
12 February Waltz with Strauss Main Hall
24 March The Obelisks West Wing
14 April The What Main Hall
Date Event Venue
12 February Waltz with Strauss Main Hall
24 March The Obelisks West Wing
14 April The What Main Hall
Strategic Area 1: Teacher Registration and Supply
Ensure a sufficient supply of registered and vetted teachers to meet the identified needs of the school system,
including diversity, in collaboration with the Department of Education, Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science and all stakeholders.
Research Approach Strategic Objectives Research actions planned, in support of the strategic objectives
We will leverage the data we hold via the register of teachers to inform and influence policy on teacher workforce planning and diversity. In doing so, we will work collaboratively with the Department of Education to optimise impact. A strong emphasis on quantitative and anonymised data will underpin our work in this area.

We will use research to inform the review of our policies and the continuous improvement of our processes.

Our longitudinal research into the first decade of teachers’ professional lives will be a source of evidence to inform policy and practice in relation to a range of areas.

We will seek and avail of appropriate opportunities to share our research findings widely.

Ensure that all programmes of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) which are reviewed and accredited by the Teaching Council meet the standards set out in Céim and are aligned with national policy priorities. Conduct research to inform a review and process evaluation of the first cycle of Céim programme accreditations.
Review Droichead in light of the implementation of the growth phase and update policy as appropriate. Conduct mixed methods research to inform the review of Droichead.
Implement the new registration database NOVUS and position the Teaching Council as a leading innovator in the field of professional regulation, including digitisation. Gather and analyse data to support an evidence-informed review of the effectiveness and efficiency of our existing registration database. Commission an external consultant to develop a technical specification for a software solution to host vetting disclosures. A key component of this work will be to conduct exploratory research to identify suitable options or companies to work with.
Provide accurate data to support the ongoing refinement of teacher supply modelling through leveraging NOVUS, the new registration database, in collaboration with the Department of Education and other stakeholders. Develop a robust data strategy. Conduct an analysis of anonymised data
from the register and produce and share regular insights reports highlighting significant trends over time.
Continue to streamline Council registration processes and procedures with a view to increasing efficiencies with a particular focus on registration subject to conditions and assessment of overseas teaching qualifications. Conduct desk-based research to support enhanced recognition and registration processes for teachers who qualify outside of ROI.
Collaborate with relevant stakeholders in ensuring that the recruitment and substitution needs of schools are met with registered teachers on a systemic basis. Conduct an analysis of anonymised data from the register and produce and share regular insights reports highlighting significant trends over time.
Support and encourage Irish language and Irish-medium education in collaboration with the Department of Education, its agencies and stakeholders. Conduct an annual analysis of social media advertisements and bulk mailouts issued in the Irish language as required under section 10A of the Official Languages Act 2003.
Progress the commissioning of longitudinal research to review the impact of the reconceptualised and extended
programmes of ITE in collaboration with the Department of Education.
Monitor the progress of the Teachers’ Professional Journeys longitudinal
research study, identifying findings which can be shared in real time to inform policy and practice in relation to initial teacher education.
Implement updated Teaching Council (Registration) Regulations, following consultation with stakeholders. Seek written input on draft regulations and collate and analyse data gathered to inform Council’s deliberations and finalisation of the regulations.
Continue collaboration with stakeholders and Department of Education to support and promote diversity in the teaching profession. Share relevant data and research findings and meet regularly with the
Department of Education and the Data Working Group on Teacher Supply to support teacher workforce planning and diversity.